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Dag Hammarskjölds samling : Dag Hammarskjöld Collection Svenska
Förhandsgranska utskrift Visa:
Brev till DH: Sk - Su
Brev till DH: Sk - Su
Brev till DH: Sk - T
Brev till DH: Sk - T
Brev till DH: Sv - Sö
Brev till DH: Sv - Sö
Brev till DH: T - U
Brev till DH: T - U
Brev till DH: U - W
Brev till DH: U - W
Brev till DH: Vi - Ö
Brev till DH: Vi - Ö
Brev till DH: W - Wh
Brev till DH: W - Wh
Brev till DH: Y - Ö, m.m.
Brev till DH: Y - Ö, m.m.
Burma and Thailand
Burma and Thailand
Cambodia 1958-61, Cyprus
Cambodia 1958-61, Cyprus
Collection of diplomas of Dag Hammarskjöld´s honorary degrees, decorations etc. In memoriam folders, posthumous awards, e.g. Nobel Peace Prize diploma
Collection of diplomas of Dag Hammarskjöld´s honorary degrees, decorations etc. In memoriam folders, posthumous awards, e.g. Nobel Peace Prize diploma
Collection of gifts to Dag Hammarskjöld (mostly photos with dedications)
Collection of gifts to Dag Hammarskjöld (mostly photos with dedications)
Collection of press clippings from 1917-1926 concerning his father Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, arranged by Dag Hammarskjöld . Newspapers 1929-58 of special interest to DH and saved by himself
Collection of press clippings from 1917-1926 concerning his father Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, arranged by Dag Hammarskjöld . Newspapers 1929-58 of special interest to DH and saved by himself
Collection of scrolls and folders of Dag Hammarskjöld´s honorary degrees, citations and decorations etc.
Collection of scrolls and folders of Dag Hammarskjöld´s honorary degrees, citations and decorations etc.
Commission to investigate conditions and circumstances resulting in the Death of the Sec.-Gen. and members of his party
Commission to investigate conditions and circumstances resulting in the Death of the Sec.-Gen. and members of his party
Congo 1960–1961. Political overall story - correspondence, statements, resolutions, press releases etc., chronolog.
Congo 1960–1961. Political overall story - correspondence, statements, resolutions, press releases etc., chronolog.
Congo. Agreement between Congo Govt. and UN, Top-ranking posts in Congo, Draft constitution of the Republic of the Congo, Red Cross, Ndola papers
Congo. Agreement between Congo Govt. and UN, Top-ranking posts in Congo, Draft constitution of the Republic of the Congo, Red Cross, Ndola papers
Congo. Correspondence with Belgium
Congo. Correspondence with Belgium
Congo. Correspondence with interested countries, split by country in alphabetical order
Congo. Correspondence with interested countries, split by country in alphabetical order
Congo crisis - clear cables, incoming/outgoing, June - Aug. 1960
Congo crisis - clear cables, incoming/outgoing, June - Aug. 1960
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 1 Aug. - 18 Sept. 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 1 Aug. - 18 Sept. 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 1 Jan. 1960 - 13 April 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 1 Jan. 1960 - 13 April 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 1 oct. - 31 Dec. 1960
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 1 oct. - 31 Dec. 1960
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 17 June – 30 Sept. 1960
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 17 June – 30 Sept. 1960
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 30 May - 31 July 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, 30 May - 31 July 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, March - 29 May 1961
Congo crisis - code cables, incoming/outgoing, March - 29 May 1961
Congo crisis - top secret cables (UN-HQ - Congo) Sept. 1960 – 17 Sept. 1961
Congo crisis - top secret cables (UN-HQ - Congo) Sept. 1960 – 17 Sept. 1961
Congo. Dag Hammarskjöld's strictly personal correspondence on Congo and his personal notes on Congo operation - papers collected and marked by D.H. (found in the safe in his office)
Congo. Dag Hammarskjöld's strictly personal correspondence on Congo and his personal notes on Congo operation - papers collected and marked by D.H. (found in the safe in his office)
Congo. Disappearance and death of Lumumba, Offensive in Katanga, Legal papers on use of force, Papers conc. Matadi
Congo. Disappearance and death of Lumumba, Offensive in Katanga, Legal papers on use of force, Papers conc. Matadi
Congo. Food action against famine, Statistics on request for aide and notes of daily meetings, Background papers re Congo up to Secco meeting 13 July, Bakwanga, UN Fund for the Congo, Study Group on Bases (Kamina, Kitona)
Congo. Food action against famine, Statistics on request for aide and notes of daily meetings, Background papers re Congo up to Secco meeting 13 July, Bakwanga, UN Fund for the Congo, Study Group on Bases (Kamina, Kitona)
Congo. Friendship and aide treaty between Congo and Belgium, Ndjili Airport incident, Albertville incident, Stanleyville incident, Welbeck incident, Captain Roberts´case, Progress Report on UN civilian operations
Congo. Friendship and aide treaty between Congo and Belgium, Ndjili Airport incident, Albertville incident, Stanleyville incident, Welbeck incident, Captain Roberts´case, Progress Report on UN civilian operations
Congo: Katanga. Papers specifically dealing with Katanga
Congo: Katanga. Papers specifically dealing with Katanga
Congo. Press releases
Congo. Press releases
Congo. UN Force operation Jan. 1961 - Sept. 1961
Congo. UN Force operation Jan. 1961 - Sept. 1961
Congo. UN Force operation July 1960 - Jan. 1961. Communication with Gen. von Horn, UN Commander, and with R. Bunche, Spec. Represent. of Secretary-General to Congo
Congo. UN Force operation July 1960 - Jan. 1961. Communication with Gen. von Horn, UN Commander, and with R. Bunche, Spec. Represent. of Secretary-General to Congo
Congo. UN Technical Assistance
Congo. UN Technical Assistance
Correspondence with Egypt / United Arab Republic
Correspondence with Egypt / United Arab Republic
Cow - G
Cow - G
Dag Hammarskjöld together with distinguished persons - misc. photos, mostly taken by UN photographers
Dag Hammarskjöld together with distinguished persons - misc. photos, mostly taken by UN photographers
Dag Hammarskjölds födelse - kort, brev och telegram till Agnes Hammarskjöld i samband med Dags födelse 1905
Dag Hammarskjölds födelse - kort, brev och telegram till Agnes Hammarskjöld i samband med Dags födelse 1905
Dag Hammarskjölds samling : Dag Hammarskjöld Collection
Dag Hammarskjölds samling : Dag Hammarskjöld Collection
Dag Hammarskjöld´s funeral - arrangements, lists of guests etc. Thanks letters for the condolences from DH´s brother Bo Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjöld´s funeral - arrangements, lists of guests etc. Thanks letters for the condolences from DH´s brother Bo Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjöld´s last will and testament, death certificate, inventory of the deceased´s goods and chattels
Dag Hammarskjöld´s last will and testament, death certificate, inventory of the deceased´s goods and chattels
Dagböcker - almanackor med vissa anteckningar
Dagböcker - almanackor med vissa anteckningar
Dags barndom - miscellanea (barnteckningar etc.)
Dags barndom - miscellanea (barnteckningar etc.)
Declined speaking engagements. Awards, degrees etc.
Declined speaking engagements. Awards, degrees etc.
Desk calendars for appointments - from Dag Hammarskjöld´s and his secretary´s desk, UN.
Desk calendars for appointments - from Dag Hammarskjöld´s and his secretary´s desk, UN.
Documents and report. Incl. Commission Meetings 1-4, Dec. 1961
Documents and report. Incl. Commission Meetings 1-4, Dec. 1961
Ekonomiska studier - "Arbetslöshetsutredning"
Ekonomiska studier - "Arbetslöshetsutredning"
Election of the Secretary-General 1953 - Congratulations, in alphabetical order
Election of the Secretary-General 1953 - Congratulations, in alphabetical order
Election of the Secretary-General 1953 - election documents, press clippings, congratulations. In alphabetical order
Election of the Secretary-General 1953 - election documents, press clippings, congratulations. In alphabetical order
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments (invitation cards etc.)
Entertainments (invitation cards etc.)
Foreign Ministers Conference, Geneva 1959 ; Berlin question 1959 ; Outer space 1959 ; Disarmament 1959-61
Foreign Ministers Conference, Geneva 1959 ; Berlin question 1959 ; Outer space 1959 ; Disarmament 1959-61
Guatemala 1954
Guatemala 1954
Guinea 1959
Guinea 1959
H - L
H - L
Handelsavtal med USA - dokument samlade av D. H.
Handelsavtal med USA - dokument samlade av D. H.
Hungary 1956-1959 - correspondence, resolutions, Gen Assembly and Security Council documents
Hungary 1956-1959 - correspondence, resolutions, Gen Assembly and Security Council documents
Hungary 1956-1959 - correspondence, resolutions, Gen Assembly and Security Council documents, chronologically
Hungary 1956-1959 - correspondence, resolutions, Gen Assembly and Security Council documents, chronologically
In memory of Dag Hammarskjöld - post mortem ceremonies all over the world. Geograph./alphabet. A - R
In memory of Dag Hammarskjöld - post mortem ceremonies all over the world. Geograph./alphabet. A - R
In memory of Dag Hammarskjöld - post mortem ceremonies all over the world. Geograph./alphabet. S - W
In memory of Dag Hammarskjöld - post mortem ceremonies all over the world. Geograph./alphabet. S - W
India and Pakistan
India and Pakistan
Iran, Iraq, Kuwait
Iran, Iraq, Kuwait
Israel 1956-61: Doron case, Boy incident, Jerusalem parade, Flint incident, Eichmann case
Israel 1956-61: Doron case, Boy incident, Jerusalem parade, Flint incident, Eichmann case
Israel 1956-61: Israel - Jordan - Syria borders
Israel 1956-61: Israel - Jordan - Syria borders
Israel 1958-60: Mount Scopus, UNTSO - incoming/outgoing code cables
Israel 1958-60: Mount Scopus, UNTSO - incoming/outgoing code cables
Israel, Jordan, Syria, Egypt. Gaza Committee, Arab refugees etc.
Israel, Jordan, Syria, Egypt. Gaza Committee, Arab refugees etc.
Items found in Dag Hammarskjöld´s books after his death in his library in Backåkra, Sweden
Items found in Dag Hammarskjöld´s books after his death in his library in Backåkra, Sweden
Items found in DH´s briefcase after the crash at Ndola in 1961
Items found in DH´s briefcase after the crash at Ndola in 1961
Items that Dag Hammarskjöld had left in Sture Linnér´s house in Leopoldville, Congo, before departure for Ndola in 1961
Items that Dag Hammarskjöld had left in Sture Linnér´s house in Leopoldville, Congo, before departure for Ndola in 1961
Jordan - Amman files
Jordan - Amman files
Kondoleanser i samband med Agnes Hammarskjölds död
Kondoleanser i samband med Agnes Hammarskjölds död
Korea 1953-57
Korea 1953-57
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
Laos 1959-1961 - correspondence, official documents, press clippings, chronologically
"Letters of support and admiration" . C - E
"Letters of support and admiration" . C - E
"Letters of support and admiration" - letters to Dag Hammarskjöld from all over the world in connection with the Congo crisis, in alphabetical order. A - B
"Letters of support and admiration" - letters to Dag Hammarskjöld from all over the world in connection with the Congo crisis, in alphabetical order. A - B
"Letters of support and admiration". F - H
"Letters of support and admiration". F - H
"Letters of support and admiration". I - L
"Letters of support and admiration". I - L
"Letters of support and admiration". M - O
"Letters of support and admiration". M - O
"Letters of support and admiration". P - R
"Letters of support and admiration". P - R
"Letters of support and admiration". S - V
"Letters of support and admiration". S - V
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