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Handskriftssamlingen - Kungliga biblioteket Engelska
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The last desk file: Papers on Bizerte and Congo - from Dag Hammarskjöld´s desk in his office, found after his death in 1961
The last desk file: Papers on Bizerte and Congo - from Dag Hammarskjöld´s desk in his office, found after his death in 1961
"Odd documents of possible relevance to UN action or history" - miscellanous papers put together by D.H.
"Odd documents of possible relevance to UN action or history" - miscellanous papers put together by D.H.
Small files split by country - correspondence, memoranda, clippings (as put together by the Sec.-Gen. himself)
Small files split by country - correspondence, memoranda, clippings (as put together by the Sec.-Gen. himself)
Newspapers, magazines and booklets collected by Dag Hammarskjöld, found in his apartment in New York, 73rd Street
Newspapers, magazines and booklets collected by Dag Hammarskjöld, found in his apartment in New York, 73rd Street
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings and newspapers collected by Dag Hammarskjöld's family and others
Press clippings and newspapers collected by Dag Hammarskjöld's family and others
Collection of press clippings from 1917-1926 concerning his father Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, arranged by Dag Hammarskjöld . Newspapers 1929-58 of special interest to DH and saved by himself
Collection of press clippings from 1917-1926 concerning his father Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, arranged by Dag Hammarskjöld . Newspapers 1929-58 of special interest to DH and saved by himself
In memory of Dag Hammarskjöld - post mortem ceremonies all over the world. Geograph./alphabet. S - W
In memory of Dag Hammarskjöld - post mortem ceremonies all over the world. Geograph./alphabet. S - W
BREV: Brev till Selma Lagerlöf
BREV: Brev till Selma Lagerlöf
Middle East, Suez Canal clearing, Canal users, Canal financing
Middle East, Suez Canal clearing, Canal users, Canal financing
Cambodia 1958-61, Cyprus
Cambodia 1958-61, Cyprus
Israel 1956-61: Doron case, Boy incident, Jerusalem parade, Flint incident, Eichmann case
Israel 1956-61: Doron case, Boy incident, Jerusalem parade, Flint incident, Eichmann case
Israel 1958-60: Mount Scopus, UNTSO - incoming/outgoing code cables
Israel 1958-60: Mount Scopus, UNTSO - incoming/outgoing code cables
Israel, Jordan, Syria, Egypt. Gaza Committee, Arab refugees etc.
Israel, Jordan, Syria, Egypt. Gaza Committee, Arab refugees etc.
Libya 1954-55, Madagascar 1960, Nigeria 1960-61
Libya 1954-55, Madagascar 1960, Nigeria 1960-61
Saudi Arabia 1957-63
Saudi Arabia 1957-63
Tanganyika 1960-61, Togo 1960
Tanganyika 1960-61, Togo 1960
Tibet 1959-61, West Irian (Dutch New Guinea) 1958-61
Tibet 1959-61, West Irian (Dutch New Guinea) 1958-61
H - L
H - L
Suppl.: Messages of condolence and acknowledgements, A - Z
Suppl.: Messages of condolence and acknowledgements, A - Z
Messages of condolence to the Hammarskjöld family
Messages of condolence to the Hammarskjöld family
Album I - III
Album I - III
Album I
Album I
Album VII - IX
Album VII - IX
Album XI
Album XI
Album XVII, 1
Album XVII, 1
Album XVII
Album XVII
Album 1
Album 1
Album 4, 5
Album 4, 5
Selma Lagerlöf-samlingen
Selma Lagerlöf-samlingen
Election of the Secretary-General 1953 - election documents, press clippings, congratulations. In alphabetical order
Election of the Secretary-General 1953 - election documents, press clippings, congratulations. In alphabetical order
Statements by the Secretary-General, press releases
Statements by the Secretary-General, press releases
Speeches and statements by D. Hammarskjöld - drafts, reading copies etc.
Speeches and statements by D. Hammarskjöld - drafts, reading copies etc.
Speeches and statements made by others, collected by D. Hammarskjöld
Speeches and statements made by others, collected by D. Hammarskjöld
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Entertainments - visits of heads of state, luncheons, dinners, formal and informal, and some purely private entertainments
Private financial papers - statements of account, household accounts, cheques, bills, receipts etc., in chronological order
Private financial papers - statements of account, household accounts, cheques, bills, receipts etc., in chronological order
Private financial papers - statements of account, household accounts, cheques, bills, receipts etc., in chronological order
Private financial papers - statements of account, household accounts, cheques, bills, receipts etc., in chronological order
Hungary 1956-1959 - correspondence, resolutions, Gen Assembly and Security Council documents
Hungary 1956-1959 - correspondence, resolutions, Gen Assembly and Security Council documents
Foreign Ministers Conference, Geneva 1959 ; Berlin question 1959 ; Outer space 1959 ; Disarmament 1959-61
Foreign Ministers Conference, Geneva 1959 ; Berlin question 1959 ; Outer space 1959 ; Disarmament 1959-61
UN-Secretariat matters 1953: Technical Assistance, UNICEF, Security Council affaires.
UN-Secretariat matters 1953: Technical Assistance, UNICEF, Security Council affaires.
Middle East conflict - Lebanon. Third Emergency Special Session, Gen. Assembly
Middle East conflict - Lebanon. Third Emergency Special Session, Gen. Assembly
Middle East conflict - Lebanon. Correspondence, statements, resolutions
Middle East conflict - Lebanon. Correspondence, statements, resolutions
Suez story - as put together and marked by Dag Hammarskjöld and kept in his safe in his office UN HQ, New York. Documents No 1 – 6
Suez story - as put together and marked by Dag Hammarskjöld and kept in his safe in his office UN HQ, New York. Documents No 1 – 6
Suez story. Documents No 19-24
Suez story. Documents No 19-24
Suez story. Documents No 37-40
Suez story. Documents No 37-40
UNTSO - clear cables
UNTSO - clear cables
Middle East, UNEF (U.N. Emergency Force) - incoming code cables
Middle East, UNEF (U.N. Emergency Force) - incoming code cables
UNEF - incoming code cables
UNEF - incoming code cables
UNEF, outgoing code cables
UNEF, outgoing code cables
Middle East, OMNIPRESS - cables from/to UN Information Centres
Middle East, OMNIPRESS - cables from/to UN Information Centres
Congo. Food action against famine, Statistics on request for aide and notes of daily meetings, Background papers re Congo up to Secco meeting 13 July, Bakwanga, UN Fund for the Congo, Study Group on Bases (Kamina, Kitona)
Congo. Food action against famine, Statistics on request for aide and notes of daily meetings, Background papers re Congo up to Secco meeting 13 July, Bakwanga, UN Fund for the Congo, Study Group on Bases (Kamina, Kitona)
Congo. UN Technical Assistance
Congo. UN Technical Assistance
Congo. Agreement between Congo Govt. and UN, Top-ranking posts in Congo, Draft constitution of the Republic of the Congo, Red Cross, Ndola papers
Congo. Agreement between Congo Govt. and UN, Top-ranking posts in Congo, Draft constitution of the Republic of the Congo, Red Cross, Ndola papers
Congo crisis - clear cables, incoming/outgoing, June - Aug. 1960
Congo crisis - clear cables, incoming/outgoing, June - Aug. 1960
"Letters of support and admiration". S - V
"Letters of support and admiration". S - V
"Letters of support and admiration". W - Ö
"Letters of support and admiration". W - Ö
Thanks´ letters from Dag Hammarskjöld (alphabetically A - Å)
Thanks´ letters from Dag Hammarskjöld (alphabetically A - Å)
Magazines collected by Dag Hammarskjöld, found after his death in his apartment in New York, 73rd Street
Magazines collected by Dag Hammarskjöld, found after his death in his apartment in New York, 73rd Street
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, Swedish press
Press clippings, American press
Press clippings, American press
Letters to DH´s brother Bo Hammarskjöld after Dag Hammarskjöld´s death 1961. By writer's name, G-P
Letters to DH´s brother Bo Hammarskjöld after Dag Hammarskjöld´s death 1961. By writer's name, G-P
Letters to DH´s brother Bo Hammarskjöld after Dag Hammarskjöld´s death 1961. By writer's name, R-Ö
Letters to DH´s brother Bo Hammarskjöld after Dag Hammarskjöld´s death 1961. By writer's name, R-Ö
Collection of diplomas of Dag Hammarskjöld´s honorary degrees, decorations etc. In memoriam folders, posthumous awards, e.g. Nobel Peace Prize diploma
Collection of diplomas of Dag Hammarskjöld´s honorary degrees, decorations etc. In memoriam folders, posthumous awards, e.g. Nobel Peace Prize diploma
Photos taken, arranged and collected by Dag Hammarskjöld himself
Photos taken, arranged and collected by Dag Hammarskjöld himself
Dag Hammarskjöld together with distinguished persons - misc. photos, mostly taken by UN photographers
Dag Hammarskjöld together with distinguished persons - misc. photos, mostly taken by UN photographers
Photo albums from Dag Hammarskjöld´s official trips
Photo albums from Dag Hammarskjöld´s official trips
Peking story - Tuapse
Peking story - Tuapse
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