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Handskriftssamlingen - Kungliga biblioteket Dag Hammarskjölds samling : Dag Hammarskjöld Collection Serie
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Items found in DH´s briefcase after the crash at Ndola in 1961

1. Copy of itinerary for D.H:s last trip to the Congo
2. The New Testament
3. Rilke, R.M. - Elegien, Sonette
4. Giono, J. - Noé
5. Buber, M. - I and Thou
6. Buber, M. - Ich und Du
7. D.H.:s translations of Martin Buber's Ich und Du. Writing pad with 7 pages, which was done during the last trip -see correspondence series "Brev från D.H" (Buber, Martin)
-Roadmap (Southern N. England)
-U.N. luggage stickers and label
-PAA time selector
-O.H. cards and note paper
9. Letter with enclosed copy to D.H. from Lord Lansdowne 17 september 1961.
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